Off-White iOS Icon Pack
A minimal set of 106 custom iOS app icons inspired by the brand Off-White. Comes with 7 wallpapers and 2 colorways - black and white.

App Icon List
iOS Stock Apps
Weather - “weather”
Watch - “watch”
Wallet - “pay”
TV - “tv”
Stocks - “stocks”
Shortcuts - “shorts”
Settings - “settings”
Safari - “web”
Reminders - “remind”
Podcasts - “cast”
Photos - “images”
Phone - “call”
Notes - “notes”
News - “news”
Music - “music”
Messages - “text”
Maps - “maps”
Mail - “email”
Home - “home”
Health - “health”
Game Center - “play”
Fitness - “workout”
Find My - “find”
Files - “files”
FaceTime - “facetime”
Contacts - “people”
Clock - “time”
Camera - “shoot”
Calendar - “events”
Calculator - “math”
Books - “read”
App Store - “apps”
Social Apps
Facebook - “facebook”
Instagram - “insta”
Pinterest - “pin”
Reddit - “reddit”
Snapchat - “snap”
TikTok - “tiktok”
Twitter - “tweet"
Misc. App Categories
Misc - “app”
Misc - “create”
Misc - “listen”
Misc - “shop”
Misc - “eat”
Misc - “bank”
Misc - “social”
Misc- “message”
Misc - “ride”